Lab Publications
(all lab members in bold!)
Ferlauto, Max and Burghardt, Karin, “Removing Autumn Leaves in Residential Yards Reduces the Spring Emergence of Overwintering Insects” Preprint Available at Accepted.
Nunez, D. A., M. Farcuh, K. T. Burghardt, S. McCluen, C. R.R. Hooks 2025. “Evaluating the impacts of grass and legume living mulches on arthropod pests and beneficials, yield, and fruit quality in cantaloupe”, Journal of Economic Entomology, 2025; toaf033,
Sonti, Nancy F., Dexter H. Locke, Meghan L. Avolio, Karin T. Burghardt, Fred Chalfant, J. Morgan Grove, Sam Seo, Christopher M. Swan, and Phil Rodbell. "Street tree diversity reveals a legacy of redlining." City Trees: Magazine of the Urban and Community Forestry Society 61 (1): 28-33. 61, no. 1 (2024): 28-33.
Ferlauto, M., Schmitt, L. & Burghardt, K. 2024. "Legacy effects of long-term autumn leaf litter removal slow decomposition rates and reduce soil carbon in suburban yards” Plants, People, Planet, 1-10.
Dunn, Peter O., Insiyaa Ahmed, Elise Armstrong, Natasha Barlow, Malcolm A. Barnard, Marc Bélisle, Thomas J. Benson, et al. (including Kristin Jayd) 2023. “Extensive Regional Variation in the Phenology of Insects and Their Response to Temperature across North America.” Ecology 104 (5): e4036.
The Herbivory Variability Network (including K. T. Burghardt and K. McGurrin) 2023. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory. Science
Butz, Elizabeth M., Lauren M. Schmitt, John D. Parker, and Karin T. Burghardt. 2023. "Positive tree diversity effects on arboreal spider abundance are tied to canopy cover in a forest experiment." Ecology e4116.
Schmitt, L., McGurrin, K., and Burghardt, K., “Managing City and Suburban Yards and Gardens to Sustain Insect Communities.” University of Maryland Extension FS-2022-0633; 2023. (supported in part by USDA NIFA Grant #2021-7000635473: Multidisciplinary IPM Solutions for a Diverse State)
Komatsu, Kimberly J., Nicole L. Esch, Kathryn J. Bloodworth, Karin T. Burghardt, Kelsey McGurrin, Jamie D. Pullen, and John D. Parker (2022) "Rhizobial diversity impacts soybean resistance, but not tolerance, to herbivory during drought." Basic and Applied Ecology.
Burghardt, Karin T., Avolio, Meghan L., Locke, Dexter H., Grove, J. Morgan, Sonti, Nancy F., and Swan, Christopher M (2022) “Current Street Tree Communities Reflect Race-Based Housing Policy and Modern Attempts to Remedy Environmental Injustice.” Ecology e3881.
Schmitt, L. & Burghardt, K.T. (2021). Urbanization as a disrupter and facilitator of insect herbivore behaviors and life cycles. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 45, 97-105.
Landsman, A., Burghardt, K. T., and Bowman, J. 2020. Invasive grass (Microstegium vimineum) indirectly benefits spider community by subsidizing available prey. Ecology and Evolution.
Devaney, J. L., Pullen, J., Cook-Patton, S. C., Burghardt, K. T., and Parker, J. D.. 2020. Tree diversity promotes growth of late successional species despite increasing deer damage in a restored forest. Ecology 101( 8):e03063. 10.1002/ecy.3063
Griffin, E.A.; Harrison, J.G.; McCormick, M.K.; Burghardt, K.T.; Parker, J.D. Tree Diversity Reduces Fungal Endophyte Richness and Diversity in a Large-Scale Temperate Forest Experiment. Diversity 2019, 11, 234. link
Avolio, M.L., Forrestel, E.J., Chang, C.C., La Pierre, K.J., Burghardt, K.T. and Smith, M.D. (2019), Tansley Review: Demystifying dominant species. New Phytologist , 223: 1106-1126. doi:10.1111/nph.15789
Burghardt, KT, Bradford, MA, Schmitz, OJ. Acceleration or deceleration of litter decomposition by herbivory depends on nutrient availability through intraspecific differences in induced plant resistance traits. J Ecol. 2018; 106: 2380– 2394. . PDF
Burghardt, K. T. Nutrient supply alters goldenrod's induced response to herbivory. Functional Ecology, 30: 1769–1778. (2016)*# PDF
*Spotlight article: Kessler, A. Inducible plant defences and the environmental context. Functional Ecology, 30: 1738–1739 (2016) link
# Functional Ecology: Highly commended early career paper
Burghardt, K. T. Linking phenotypic plasticity in plant anti-herbivore defense to spatial variation in insect populations and soil nutrient pools. Yale University Dissertation, (2016). PDF
Burghardt, K.T. & D. W. Tallamy. Not all non-natives are equally unequal: Reductions in herbivore β-diversity depend on plant phylogenetic similarity to native community. Ecology Letters 18:1087-1098 (2015) PDF
Schmitz, O.J, R. W. Buchkowski, K.T. Burghardt, & C. M. Donihue, Functional traits and trait-mediated interactions: connecting community level interactions with ecosystem functioning. Advances in Ecological Research 52:319-343 (2015) PDF
Burghardt, K.T. & O.J. Schmitz, Influence of plant defenses and nutrients on trophic control of ecosystems. Chapter 8 in Trophic Ecology: Bottom-Up and Top-Down Interactions across Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems. (ed. by T. Hanley and K.J. La Pierre). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA. (2015).PDF
Burghardt, K. T. & D. W. Tallamy. “Plant origin asymmetrically impacts feeding guilds and drives community structure of herbivorous arthropods.” Diversity and Distributions, 19:1553-1565 (2013).PDF
Burghardt, K. T., D. W. Tallamy, C. Philips, and K. J. Shropshire. “Non-native plants reduce abundance, richness, and host specialization in lepidopteran communities.” Ecosphere 1(5):art11. doi:10.1890/ES10-00032.1 (2010).PDF
Burghardt, K. T., D. W. Tallamy, and W. G. Shriver. “Impact of native plants on bird and butterfly biodiversity in suburban landscapes.” Conservation Biology 23:219–224 (2009).PDF
Data Sets
Burghardt, Karin; Butz, Elizabeth; Schmitt, Lauren; Parker, John (2023). Spider and caterpillar abundance, tree size, and canopy closure metrics in a tree diversity experiment. figshare. Dataset.
Burghardt, K.T., Schmitz, O.J. & Bradford, M.A. (2018) Data from: Acceleration or deceleration of litter decomposition by herbivory depends on nutrient availability through intraspecific differences in induced plant resistance traits. Journal of Ecology. doi:10.5061/dryad.st104qv.
Burghardt, K.T. (2016) Data from: Nutrient supply alters goldenrod’s induced response to herbivory. Dryad Digital Repository.
Landsman, Andrew; Burghardt, Karin; Bowman, Jacob (2021), Invasive grass (Microstegium vimineum) indirectly benefits spider community by subsidizing available prey, v2, Dryad, Dataset,